Thursday, January 31, 2008

It all adds up - One day at a time

In a previous blog, I wrote about $10 donations adding up to something substantial. I'm going to break that down even more now. Every night, I empty the change in my pockets into my Coin Jar. Pennies, nickels, dimes, quarters. It all goes in. Last night, I decided to count my stash. In the past few months (when I previously emptied the jar) I stashed away over $31 in coins! $31 is not a monster amount, but it is significant. Literally, a nice chunk of change!

It's easy to not care about the few coins we have left over in our pocket each day. Its nothing. Paltry. Insignificant. But that's where small steps build into something big. So too with other aspects of our life.

Sometimes, we can view a task in front of us as challenging and looming. We're scared to begin. Instead of looking at the big mountain in front of us, we need to look at each component separately. Each part by itself is manageable. So that should be our approach.

One piece at a time. One step at a time. One day at a time.

When looking to make changes in our lives: diet, more time with family, read more, learn more, make small goals. Then proceed slowly and deliberately. Slowly, you will see progress, and substantial progress.

We value every second of life. Every breath is an opportunity to accomplish. No matter how small an accomplishment may seem, it is still an accomplishment and needs to be valued. This is a lesson that at HFBA, we try and impart to our clients.

And with our donors, we value every penny. It all adds up.

So today, start something small. A donation, time with your kids, more time in study. But take that first step. Come back to me in a few months. What you've collected will have added up to something big.

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