Monday, February 4, 2008

Cemetery Clean-Up Project

It's snowing today in New York, but my mind is thinking about the spring. The Hebrew month of Adar begins this week, the Super Bowl is over, pitchers and catchers report in two weeks, and the schedule is filling up for HFBA's Cemetery Clean-Up Project.

The Cemetery Clean-Up Project was instituted to ensure that Silver Lake Cemetery, and the people buried there, would not be forgotten. Our volunteers are the only visitors the cemetery receives. The work that our volunteers do is a major element of the cemetery's maintenance. By raking leaves, clearing debris, and moving downed tree limbs (among other tasks), our volunteers are involved in Chesed Shel Emes.

Our volunteers come from all over the tri-state region. We have students from middle school, high school, and college. Families coming on a Sunday with their children of all ages. Senior citizens participating in our annual chesed day. Every participant leaves our cemetery with a feeling of fulfillment and accomplishment. Beyond the physical work performed, they are making an impact just be being there. Recognizing that Silver Lake Cemetery is an important place in the history of Jews in America, and in New York City, in particular.

With the spring rapidly approaching, we are asking groups to sign up to participate in the project. For more information, please call our office, (212) 239-1662.

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