Thursday, October 7, 2010

Blessing Said at a Cemetery

The following blessing is said when one hasn't seen a Jewish grave in the past thirty days.

ברוך אתה יהוה, אלהנו מלך העולם, אשר יצר אתכם בדין, וזן וכלכל אתכם בדין, והמית אתכם בדין, ויודע מספר כלכם בדין, והוא עתיד להחיותכם ולקים אתכם בדין. ברוך אתה יהוה, מחיה המתים

Blessed are You, Hashem, our God, King of the universe, Who fashioned you with justice, nourished and sustained you with justice, took your lives with justice, knows the sum total of all of you with justice, and will restore and resuscitate you with judgement.  Blessed are You, Who resuscitates the dead.

אתה גבור לעולם אדני, מחיה מתים אתה רב להושיע. מכלכל חיים בחסד, מחיה מתים ברחמים רבים, סומך נופלים, ורופא חולים, ומתיר אסורים, ומקים אמונתו לישני עפר. מי כמוך בעל גבורות, ומי דומה לך, מלך ממית ומחיה, ומצמיח ישועה. ונאמן  אתה להחיות מתים 

You are eternally mighty, my Lord, the Resuscitator of the dead are You; abundantly able to save.  He sustains the living with kindness, resuscitates the dead with abundant mercy, supports the fallen, heals the sick, releases the confined, and maintains His faith to those asleep in the dust.  Who is like You, O Master of mighty deeds, and who is comparable to You, O King Who causes death and restores life and makes salvation sprout.  And You are faithful to resuscitate the dead.

This translation is from The Funeral and Cemetery Handbook by Rabbi David Weinberger and Rabbi Jacob J. Schachter and published by Mesorah Publications, ltd.

1 comment:

los angeles marlene. said...

thank u for this prayer. my father was buried because of the grace of your organization, and today, 10/7/10
is my late moms birthday. so a sad day, indeed. bless
all who contribute and give of themselves to this
caring organization. thank you. marlene j. bertman